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Famous Indian Astrologers

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Famous Indian Astrologers

There are many popular Indian astrologers. Some of them are mentioned below.


The Rishi Parashara is a great sage who has written Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra which systematically explains the entire theory of Hindu predictive astrology.

According to the legend, he is the grandson of Rishi Vasistha. He was also the father of the legendary Rishi Veda Vyasa who wrote 18 Puranas including the great epic Mahabharata, which includes the famous Bhagavt Geeta, the Brahma Sutras and the Uttara Mimansa.

The depth of the astrological knowledge of Parashara was so great that, one day while crossing a river in a boat, he casually looked at his favorite stars in the heaven, and suddenly realized that it was an exceptionally auspicious moment. He also came to know that if a child is conceived at that moment, he will be an expert in the shastras. So he told this to the lady who was rowing the boat and requested her to marry him. She agreed and the son born was Veda Vyasa who was another great sage.

Parashara has also written the Parashara Samhita and the Parashara Smriti. It is believed that Brahma taught the Vedas and Jyotisha to his son Narada who in turn taught these to Rishi Saunaka.

Parashara was the disciple of Rishi Saunaka. The Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra is in the form of dialogs between Rishi Parashara and his disciple Maitreya who asks questions and Parashara explains the principles.


Vasishta was another great sage of Hindu mythology and chief of the seven venerated sages or the Sapta Rishis. He was the Rajguru of the Suryavamsha or the Solar dynasty. He was also referred to as the manasaputra of Brahma. 

The star Mizar of the stellar constellation Ursa Major is believed to be of Vasishta and the small one beside it as Arundhati, his wife. 

The divine cow Kamadhenu and its child Nandini were in the possession of Vasishta. His astrological work “Vasishtha Samhita” is a book on Vedic system of electional astrology which deals with Muhurtha Muhurt.

The book gives an insight into how the theory and the principles of electional astrology have emanated and followed through millenniums having withstood the test of the time. His other important work is the Mandala 7 of the Rigveda.


Varahamihira (505 – 587) who was born in Ujjain was an Indian astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer. He has been greatly held in high esteem by Indians for his works. His picture is placed in the Indian Parliament by the side of the picture of Aryabhata.

Varahamihira has written “Brihat Jataka” on Jyotisha astrology which is considered as one the five main treatises on Hindu astrology on horoscopy.

The other treatises are the Daivaigya Vallabha, the Laghu Jataka, the Yoga Yatra, and the Vivaha Patal. Even his son Prithuyasas has contributed to the Hindu astrology by writing the book “Hora Saara” which is a famous book on horoscopy.

Varahamihira was also a great astronomer and his book “Pancha-Siddhantika” meaning “The Five Astronomical Canons” is a work on mathematical astronomy which summarises five earlier astronomical treaties such as the Surya Siddhanta, the Romaka Siddhanta, the Paulisa Siddhanta, the Vasishtha Siddhanta and the Paitamaha Siddhantas.

The other important contribution of Varahamihira was the encyclopedic Brihat Samhita.

Maharshi Jaimini

Maharshi Jaimini who was a student of Vyasa Maharishi or Badarayana is an astrologer believed to have lived around the 32nd century BC, at the beginning of the period known, in the Hindu calendar, as the Kali Yuga.

Some of his sutras include the Rudramsa, Shasthamsa and Saptamsa, apart from the lagnas like the Varnada Lagna and the yogas such as the Shakti Yoga and the Raja Yoga. He has written Purva Mimamsa Sutras which contains about 3,000 sutras discussing duty or the dharma. This work is the foundational text of the Mimamsa School. He has also responsible for systematizing the knowledge of teachers such as Alekhana and Karsnajini.


Mantreswara was a Hindu astrologer of 16th century.  His popular work "Phaladeepika" is one of the major texts of Hindu astrology.

Sri Yukteswar Giri

Sri Yukteswar Giri (1855-1936) was a yogi, great Vedic astrologer and an exponent of Bhagavad Gita. His original name was Priyanath Karar. He was a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya of Varanasi and the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda.

He wrote the book on the Holy Science called “Kaivalya Darsanam” which compares the Hindu scriptures and the Christian bible. He established ashrams at Serampore and Puri for educating on various subjects. He also began an organization called “Sadhu Sabha”.

He developed syllabus for schools on various subjects such as physics, physiology, geography, astronomy and astrology and wrote a basic book on astrology. He was highly skilled in Vedic astrology and studied astronomy and science. He prescribed various astrological gemstones based on Vedic astrology. He also formulated Yuga theory.

Dr. Bangalore Venkata Raman

Dr. B.V. Raman was a greatly renowned astrologer. He had excellent predicting skills in astrology. He has written numerous books of instruction and research papers in the field of Indian Vedic Astrology. He has also traveled all over the world giving lectures on Indian Vedic Astrology. He founded the most popular magazine, “The Astrological Magazine” in 1936. He was also the Founder-President of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences. He was very popular because of his accurate astrological predictions and influential demonstrations of the cosmic principles of Vedic astrology.

Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi who is a calculating prodigy is also an astrologer. Demonstrating many skills in Mathematics at very early age, she has created many world records apart from entering the Guinness Book of Records. Shakuntala Devi has written a number of books on popular mathematics. Being interested in astrology, she uses her skills to make astrological predictions. She offers personal astrology consultations in India and the United States.

V.K. Choudhry

V.K.Choudhry being a well known Indian astrologer and author has contributed to a great extent in the field of astrology. He has written many books and articles on astrology. He has developed systems approach for predicting horoscopes. His important works are “Systems´ Approach for Interpreting Horoscopes”, “How to Identify Significant Events” and “Self Learning Course in Astrology”.

He is the Founder Chairman of the International Institute for Predictive Astrology (IIPA) in Fairfield, IA, USA and a faculty member. He was the Chapter Course Director of Astrology with Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS). He has presented papers in many international seminars and conferences on astrology.  He provides astrological services to individuals around the world through his well known insightful horoscope interpretation, prescient advice, accurate predictions, astrological healing remedies and for selecting auspicious moments for new undertakings. He has been conferred with many titles and awards for his original and substantive contribution in the field of Vedic astrology.

Pt. Aaditya Pandey

Aaditya Pandey being the youngest astrological numerologist with worldwide recognition is an expert in the pseudoscientific fields of physiognomy, graphology, psychoanalysis, Chinese and Japanese numerology and in Vedas and Rudrakshas. He is also a columnist for leading newspapers like The Hindustan Times and The Times of India. He is also a mathematician and has developed the theory for infinity calendar. He has been conferred with the title,

“Ved Vaachaspati”. He offers astrological services in India and many countries. Apart from the common masses, he has in his client list, the celebrities from Bollywood, the television industry, the bureaucrats, and the top businessmen.